Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, SzczecinDuration
33 PLN (27 PLN for pass owners)
Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, Teatralny 1 square, Scena Kameralna

“Red is sour like unripe strawberries and as sweet as watermelon. It hurts when he finds it on his scraped knee”
M. Cottin & R. Faria The Black Colour Book
Did you know that colours not only have hue, but also smell, taste and texture? Sometimes they can be joyful and at other times they have moods. They can be tasted and felt. To use them as keys to open up the remotest corners of the imagination.
The interactive performance “Colours” is inspired by the book The Black Book of Colours by Menena Cottin and Rosana Faria as well as blind children’s statements about colours. It is not only a magical journey through the world experienced through the different senses, but also an opportunity to talk about the beauty of diversity.
The performance is intended for any young viewers who want to immerse themselves in the world of the senses.
direction: Marta Łągiewka, Maja Bartlewska
concept and direction: Marta Łągiewka
direction: Maja Bartlewska
set design: Kaja Cykalewicz-Licak
music: Tomasz Licak
stage movement, content-related supervision: Ewelina Ciszewska
Maja Bartlewska
Marta Łągiewka
Aleks Joński
premiere: 1 April 2023.