Teatr Lalek Arlekin im. Henryka Ryla, ŁódźDuration
15 PLN
Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, Teatralny 1 square, Scena Kameralna

Based on Toon Tellegen’s book “Mijn Vader”
The eponymous character of the play “Dad” is the “ideal father” seen through the eyes of a child. Giant, omniscient, steadfast, and - above all - unconventional. One who knows the solution to every problem, yet is not ashamed to show his emotions. One who can defy the doctors, the swimming coach, but also get angry or even cry. At the same time, it is a record of the longing for a Dad who shrinks, breaks and sometimes even... disappears.
The performance is based on poetic short stories by Toon Tellegen, as well as on the personal memories of the actors about their fathers, not always ideal, sometimes absent, but always inventive and far from being ordinary. Particular images and fantasies about fathers are played out both by actors and puppeteers, and the performance is accompanied by sounds, live music and songs composed by Olo Walicki.
“Dad” is also a record of fantasies about the ideal father and an excellent opportunity to confront myths and stereotypes about fatherhood. It’s a chance to take a moving journey back to a time when everyone believed in the hyper-power of their guardian.
A performance for audiences aged 5 and over. The performance features strobe lights and sudden changes in lighting
Direction and set design: Tomasz Maśląkowski
Script and dramaturgy: Lena Frankiewicz
Music: Olo Walicki
Puppet designs: Andrzej Tadeusiak
Translation: Jadwiga Jędryas
Joanna Nygard/Katarzyna Stanisz
Piotr Regdos/Wojciech Kondzielnik
Maciej Piotrowski
Rafał Domagała
premiere: 10 July 2021
„Mam wielką słabość do spektakli lalkowych. Gdy mogę patrzeć, jak dzięki pracy artystów nieżywe przedmioty zaczynają oddychać, cieszyć się, smucić. Wyobrażam sobie, że dla dzieci jest to szkoła wyobraźni – bo oto nie dostają wszystkich znaków na tacy, lecz same muszą porządkować i nazywać to, co sugeruje im scena. (...)"
Piotr Olkusz,
Weronika Żyła, Kalejdoskop
Plebiscyt "Energia Kultury"
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- Nagroda dla reżysera Tomasza Maśląkowskiego
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- X Międzynarodowym Festiwalu "Teatralna Karuzela"
- I Przeglądzie Teatrów Lalkowych w Będzinie
- Jubileuszowym Festiwalu Plastyki Teatrów Lalek i Formy - Słupsk 2022 - (wyróżnienie aktorskie dla Joanny Nygard)