MAULWÜRFE Moles concert

Philippe Quesne


60 min


Free of charge event


Ogrody Śródmieście, Wielkopolska 19

Czworo artystów w strojach przypominających krety siedzą na ziemi w lesie.

Having toured the United States, France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland and Chile, the musical band of giant moles emerges from their caves to tour this bleak world once again. Their music is influenced by all kinds of subterranean sounds, soft electronic music and punk voice melody. The moles play bass, guitar, drums and a mesmerising theremin to captivate the audience and encourage them to dance and have fun.

concept: Philippe Quesne
costumes: Corine Petitpierre
assistant costume designer: Anne Tesson
sound direction: Félix Perdreau

Léo Gobin
Paul Ramon
Sébastien Jacobs
Thomas Suire
Gaëtan Vourc’h
Jean-Charles Dumay

premiere: 2016.


production: Vivarium Studio
Created in 2016 for Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Bruxelles in co-production with Nanterre-Amandiers, CDN

fot. Martin Argyroglo, Philippe Quesne