Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, SzczecinDuration
45 PLN (36 PLN for pass owners)
Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, Teatralny 1 square, Scena Kameralna

The play’s topic is the mid-life crisis. It is a tragicomic treatise on the strength and weaknesses of human beings confronting transience of life. Middle age is assumed to be “the halfway point of life on earth”, a time for the verification of plans and self-analysis of one’s own “Self” in terms of marriage, work, family and general life situation. Who are we to the world and to our loved ones? What is important in life? In an age of omnipresent coaching, which reassures us that we can do anything, it is increasingly difficult to answer the question of how we want to spend the time we have been given.
Set in the space of the protagonist’s bathroom, the comedy-drama is constructed from conversations with internal characters taken from psychological definitions. It is a story in which one can look at oneself as in a mirror, gaining a sense that we are not alone in the worries and doubts that haunt us.
Performance for an adult audiance.
text and direction: Agata Biziuk
set design: Marika Wojciechowska
music: Izabela Smelczyńska
Rafał Hajdukiewicz
premiere: 16 September 2023.