Akademia Sztuk Teatralnych w Krakowie, filia we WrocławiuDuration
15 PLN
Teatr Lalek Pleciuga, Teatralny 1 square, Large Stage

Na podstawie „Trojanek” Eurypidesa w tłumaczeniu Jerzego Łanowskiego i „Trojanek” Jeana Paula Sartre’a wg Eurypidesa w tłumaczeniu Jerzego Lisowskiego oraz „Heleny” Eurypidesa w tłumaczeniu Roberta Chodkowskiego.
Troy fell. Only women remained in the captivity of the Greeks. Mourning the fallen defenders of the city, they face the first day after the war maligning their oppressors, the gods and fate. But the war goes on, the war is eternal. It has no winners, it makes no one happy. The vote given to the Trojan women is the only act of justice we can do. On the ruins of the demolished theatre, we hear a lament that may only be theatre.
A performance for audiences aged 16 and over.
Adaptation, direction, set design, costumes: Konrad Dworakowski
Music: Piotr Klimek
Stage movement consultation: Ulyana Zaruba
Director’s assistant: Katarzyna Fornal, Karol Bijata
Set designer's assistant: Mateusz Zilbert
Zofia Bąk – Alekto
Daria Bogdan – Kasandra
Katarzyna Fornal – Andromache
Patrycja Franczak – Megajra
Anastazja Kowalska – Helena
Magdalena Wawrzyniak – Hekabe
Katarzyna Wuczko – Tyzyfone
Wojciech Oset – Menelaos
Jan Stasiczak – Talthybios
Mateusz Zilbert – Posejdon
premiere: 9 February 2024